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Before you continue, we need to verify you are a qualified education customer. Please review the information below and determine your status. The information you provide about your education institution will be used by TechSmith Corporation to conduct a check of your education qualification. If you have any questions please contact our sales department online or by phone at: +1 (517)-381-2300 (US & Canada only).
Qualified education end users and institutions can use the TechSmith Education Store to purchase TechSmith products at a reduced price. Education end users are full-time students, faculty, staff and employees of accredited non-profit educational institutions.
Education versions of TechSmith products may not be used for any commercial purpose.
Note: Licenses may only be used for teaching, learning, and administrative computing. An education institution or organization cannot use these licenses for any commercial purpose.
Tax-exempt purchases can be made on our online store; the tax-exempt certificate number must be entered at the time of purchase.
Online orders placed in the US are subject to sales tax. If tax-exempt, enter your tax id number at the top of the checkout window when you are entering your credit card details.
If tax-exempt and the tax id was not entered during the online purchase and tax was charged, you can request a refund of the tax paid here. A copy of the tax exemption certificate and order number will be required for a refund.
More information.