Snagit Assets

Create stunning visuals with Snagit Assets

Unlock the full potential of Snagit with a comprehensive library of royalty-free assets.

Compare Snagit plans

From quick screenshots to comprehensive video communication, Snagit has you covered.


Best for getting started with Snagit

$39.00 / year
Billed yearly


  • Screen capture and recording
  • Advanced screen capture editing
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Snagit Create Bundle

Best for making every project a visual one

Loading… / year
Billed yearly

Includes everything in Snagit, plus:

  • Access to over 100 million premium images
  • Premium stamps, themes, and templates
  • AI-generated images (Beta)
Snagit Icon LogoSnagit Assets Icon LogoScreencast Icon Logo

Snagit Pro Bundle

Best for visual collaboration and feedback

Loading… / year
Billed yearly

Includes everything in Create, plus:

  • Share unlimited videos on Screencast
  • AI-generated videos titles and descriptions
  • AI-generated video captions
  • AI-generated video chapters
  • Customize logo on Screencast