Manage Conversations & Reactions

Learn how to manage alerts and use the Conversation pane to collaborate around your content.

3D Screencast icon

Conversation Overview

Screencast automatically adds a conversation to all content. Enter a prompt in the Conversation pane to get feedback from your teammates or to start a conversation.

conversation example

In Conversations:

  • Viewers can add timestamped and searchable comments.
  • Viewers can add annotations to draw directly on the media.
  • Content owners can add conversation starters, such as posing a question or requesting feedback. See Tips for Content Engagement.
  • Content owners can reset the conversation.
  • Both viewers and content owners can choose to receive email notifications when a new comment or reply has been added to the conversation to stay up-to-date and engaged in the conversation.

Add a Comment

Post questions or comments to initiate a conversation.

Note: To add a comment or reply, viewers must sign in with a TechSmith account or enter a display name.

  1. To comment on a video, click on the timeline to move to a specific point in the video.
  2. Type a comment into the field. To include an annotation, see Add an Annotation or Draw on the Screen.
  3. Click the Submit button.

Note: Click the Edit option to edit or delete the comment. The content owner can also delete comments.

Add an Annotation

Mark up the content with a frame or arrow.

  1. Click to select a color.
    Color dropdown
  2. Click to select the Square or Arrow shape.
    select square shape
  3. Click and drag to draw the shape on the content.
  4. Click a handle to resize or rotate the shape.
  5. Enter a comment into the field.
  6. Click the Submit button.
  7. The Annotation icon icon indicates markup in a comment. Click the comment to view the markup.
    comment with annotation

Draw on the Screen

Add a freehand drawing on the content.

  1. Click to select a color.
    Color dropdown
  2. Click the Freehand tool.
    Freehand Tool
  3. Click and drag to draw on the content.
  4. Enter a comment into the field.
  5. Click the Submit button.

Add a Reaction

To add an emoji reaction while watching a video, click an emoji from the toolbar located below the video or image.
Reactions example

To view the reactions added, hover your cursor over the video or image. Click a reaction to show the reaction and viewer name.
Click to view reaction and viewer name

Note: Emoji reactions are a feature of conversations. If you would like to prevent emoji reactions on your media, follow the steps in the Delete a Conversation section below.

Receive Comment Notifications

The content owner and any viewers can opt in to receive email notifications for new activity posted in a conversation. To subscribe to email notifications when a viewer adds a comment, click the Subscribe icon icon at the top of the conversation.
Notification icon in Conversation pane

Hide the Conversation View

To hide the conversation view, click the Hide Conversation Pane icon icon in the conversation pane.
conversation pane with the X button highlighted

To reopen the conversation view, click the Comments button below the media.
reactions panel with the Comments button highlighted

Remove a Comment

As the content owner, you can moderate and remove any comments. Individual participants can only edit and delete their own comments.

  1. Click the Edit option on the comment.
  2. Click the Delete button.

Delete a Conversation

A conversation is added by default to all content uploaded to Screencast. If you do not want to include a conversation or you want to reset the conversation, complete the following:

  1. On the Library tab, click to select the media.
  2. On the Conversation tab, click the toggle to delete the conversation.
    Conversation toggle
  3. The Delete Conversation dialog appears. Click the Download Data button to download a .csv file of the conversation for backup.
  4. Click the Delete button.

To add a new conversation, click the toggle on the Conversation tab or the Enable Conversation button in the Conversation pane.

Download a Conversation

As the content owner, you can view and download the conversation.

  1. On the Library tab, click to select the media.
  2. On the Conversation tab, click the Download Data option.

Screencast downloads a .csv file of the conversation onto your computer.

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