Explore the Timeline

Learn how to use the timeline to arrange your video.

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Timeline Overview

The timeline displays the sequence of all media in a video. Use the timeline to assemble a video.
Example of media on the timeline

Add Content to a Video

Drag media from the Media Bin, Camtasia Assets, or Library subtabs onto the timeline. As you make edits on the timeline, the Media Bin always maintains the original version of your media.

Preview a Video

The playhead location represents a point in time in the video. All media at that point on the timeline display as the current frame on the canvas.
Timeline playhead

Preview a FrameDrag the playhead to the desired position on the timeline. Camtasia displays the frame on the canvas.
Preview VideoDrag the playhead to the desired position on the timeline. Click the Play button to preview the video.
Play button

Tip: Save time editing with variable speed shortcuts.

  • Press J to reverse the timeline playback at normal (1x), 2x, 4x, or 8x speed.
  • Press K to pause the timeline playback.
  • Press L to play the timeline forward at normal (1x), 2x, 4x, or 8x speed.
Preview One Track (Solo Track)
Preview one selected track on the canvas.
Hold Alt key (Windows) or Option key (Mac) and click the Disable track icon icon to the left of the track. The icon changes to Solo track icon and all other tracks are disabled.

Note: If you export the video with a solo track enabled, only the solo track is exported.

Zoom the TimelineDrag the zoom slider to zoom in on the timeline for more precise editing.
Timeline zoom slider

To view the project in full, click the Magnifying glass icon icon to fit the entire project to the timeline.

Timeline Tracks

The timeline is organized into layers called tracks. Media on the top layers cover media on the layers below.
Example of the order tracks appear on the canvas

Track Order
For visual media on the timeline, the track order controls the z-order position for media in a video.
To reorder tracks, click near the track name and drag to a new position on the timeline.
Detach/Reattach Timeline
Detach the timeline to view more tracks at one time or to move to another monitor for precise editing.
To detach the timeline:
Select View > Timeline > Detach Timeline or press Ctrl+3 (Windows) or Command+3 (Mac).

To reattach the timeline:
Press Ctrl+3 (Windows) or Command+3 (Mac) to reattach the timeline.
Change the Track Size (Track Height)To resize all tracks, drag the track slider.
Slider to adjust the track height

To resize only one track, drag the border between tracks up or down.
Click and drag to adjust track size
Add a Track
Add an unlimited number of tracks to the timeline.
Complete any of the following to add a track:
  • Click Plus sign to add a track to add a track to the timeline.
  • Drag and drop media from the Media Bin or Library tabs onto an empty area on the timeline.
  • Right-click a track and select Insert Track > Above or Below.
Remove a Track
  • Right-click a track name and select Remove Track.
  • Right-click a track name and select Remove All Empty Tracks.
Scroll through Tracks
When several tracks are on the timeline, use the scroll bar to view more tracks.
Click and drag the scroll bar on the right side of the timeline up or down to view more tracks.
Scroll bar on the timeline
Rename a TrackDouble-click the track name and type a new name.
Lock / Unlock Track
Lock a track to prevent editing or other changes to the media on the track.
Lock a Track
Click the Lock track icon icon to the left of the track.
The icon turns white and the track dims with a lined effect to indicate the track is locked.
Locked track on the timeline

Unlock a Track
Click the white lock icon to the left of the track. The icon turns gray and the track brightens to indicate the track is unlocked.

About Locked Tracks
  • Media on a locked track appears on the canvas, preview, and exported video.
  • Media on a locked track cannot be cut, copied, deleted, pasted, or modified in any way.
Enable / Disable Track
Disable a track to remove media from the canvas, preview, and exported video.
Disable a Track
Click the Disable track icon icon to the left of the track.
The icon turns white and the track dims to indicate the track is off.
Eye icon to turn track off

Enable a Track
Click the white eye icon to the left of the track.
The icon turns gray and the track brightens to indicate the track is on.

About Turned Off Tracks
  • Media on disabled tracks is not included in the exported video.
  • Disable a track to sample various audio clips. For example, to hear only the background music track, turn off the voice-over track.
  • Media on a disabled track cannot be cut, copied, deleted, pasted, etc.
Enable / Disable Magnetic Track
Automatically remove spaces between media on a track.
Enable Magnetic Track
Click the Magnetic track icon icon to the left of the track.
Spaces between media are automatically removed.
Enabled magnetic track removes space

Disable Magnetic Track
Click the Enabled magnetic track icon icon to the left of the track.
Spaces can be added between media on the track.
Gap between media on the timeline

About Magnetic Tracks
  • You can move or rearrange media on the track but cannot add space between media.
  • Groups on magnetic tracks keep spaces between media.

To learn about common timeline editing tasks on magnetic tracks, see Close Timeline Gaps with Magnetic Tracks.
Show / Hide Quiz or Marker View
When a quiz or marker is added to the timeline, the quiz or marker view automatically opens.
Click Quiz marker icon and select which tracks to turn on or off.
Quiz or marker drop down menu

To learn more about quizzes and markers, see Build Quizzes & Surveys or Add Markers & Video Table of Contents.

Tip: Speed up your workflow with efficient editing skills.

See Editing In-Depth for techniques to edit video more efficiently and to avoid recording multiple times.

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