Close Timeline Gaps with Magnetic Tracks

Learn how to automatically remove the space between media on a track to insert or rearrange media on the timeline.

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Magnetic tracks automatically remove all space between media on a track.

  • You can move or rearrange media on a magnetic track but cannot add space between media.
  • Groups on magnetic tracks keep spaces between media.

Enable Magnetic Track

Click the Magnetic track icon icon to the left of the track.

Spaces between media are automatically removed.
Spaces between media clips removed with magnetic track enabled

Insert Media

Drag media from the Media Bin or Library onto a track.

If you add media between two clips, other media on the track automatically shifts to insert space.

Rearrange Media

Click and drag media to a new location on the track.

If you move media between two clips, the other media on the track automatically shifts to insert space.

Disable Magnetic Track

Click the Enabled magnetic track icon icon to the left of the track.

Spaces can be added between media on the track.
Media clips remain spaced with magnetic track disabled

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