Customize Shortcuts

Learn how to customize the Camtasia recording and editing keyboard shortcuts.

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Speed up video creation based on your preferences by customizing the recording and editing shortcuts. Export your customized shortcut sets to share with others or to transfer to another computer.

Preferences Shortcuts tab

Edit Shortcuts

  1. To customize shortcuts:
    • Windows: Select Edit > Preferences > Shortcuts tab.
    • Mac: Select Camtasia > Preferences > Shortcuts tab.
  2. Click in the field and press the desired key combination.
    Change Shortcut field

Note: If the keyboard shortcut entered is already assigned to another customizable shortcut, Camtasia unassigns the shortcut for that command and displays a message.

If the keyboard shortcut entered is reserved by system controls or another program, a message appears. Please enter another keyboard shortcut combination.

Delete Shortcuts

  • To delete a shortcut, click in the field and click the Delete button.
    Delete Shortcut button
  • To delete a shortcut set (Mac only), select the set from the Shortcut Set dropdown. Click the gear icon icon and select Delete.

Revert to Previous Shortcut

  • To revert to the previously assigned shortcut, click the Revert button.
    Revert Shortcut button
  • To restore all shortcuts to the original Camtasia defaults:
    • Windows: Click the Restore defaults button.
    • Mac: Select TechSmith Camtasia Default from the Shortcut Set dropdown.

Export Editor Shortcuts

Note: Shortcut sets are not cross-platform compatible.

  1. Select Edit (Windows) > Preferences > Shortcuts tab or Camtasia (Mac) > Preferences > Shortcuts tab.
    • On Mac, select the set to export from the Shortcut Set dropdown.
  2. Click the gear icon icon and select Export.
  3. Enter a file name, location, and click Save.

Camtasia saves the Camtasia Shortcuts file (.camshortcuts on Windows and .camsc on Mac).

Import Editor Shortcuts

Note: Shortcut sets are not cross-platform compatible.

  1. Select Edit (Windows) > Preferences > Shortcuts tab or Camtasia (Mac) > Preferences > Shortcuts tab.
  2. Click the gear icon icon and select Import.
  3. Select a Camtasia Shortcuts file (.camshortcuts on Windows and .camsc on Mac) and click Open.

On Windows, Camtasia overwrites the existing keyboard shortcuts with the new shortcut set. On Mac, Camtasia adds the shortcut set to the dropdown.

Shortcut set in dropdown on Shortcuts tab in Preferences

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