Animate Text & Images with Behaviors

Learn how to apply and customize Camtasia Behaviors to quickly make eye-catching videos with a unique look and feel.

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Camtasia Behaviors are pre-made animations that quickly add professionalism and polish to your videos.

Add a Behavior

  1. Click the Behaviors tab.
    Shows the behavior tab in Camtasia Editor
  2. Drag a behavior animation onto media on the timeline.

Behaviors appear as an effect in the effects tray.
Shows an applied behavior in the timeline tray

Note: Add multiple behaviors to the same media to create interesting animation effects.

Edit a Behavior

Customize how a behavior enters the screen, what it does when it’s on the screen, and how it leaves. 

  1. Click to select media with a behavior applied on the timeline. If the media is in a group, expand the group before applying the behavior otherwise the entire group is affected by the behavior. See How to Use Group Tabs.
  2. Open the Properties panel > Behaviors subtab.
    Shows the behaviors subtab in the properties panel
  3. Edit the behavior properties for the In, During, and Out tabs. For more details on each property, see Behavior Properties.
  4. Click the + button in the properties panel to save the customized behavior as a preset for future use (optional).

Note: Select multiple media with behaviors applied to edit the behaviors in the properties panel simultaneously.

Behavior Properties

Style and movement properties are automatically set to compatible options when a new behavior is added to the timeline. Any change to the style or movement properties will also change which properties are available to edit.
Shows the behaviors properties in Camtasia Editor

Each stage of the animation (In, During, and Out) has its own editable properties under the corresponding properties subtab.

In and Out Subtabs

StyleSet the type of animation for how the media enters and leaves the canvas.
MovementSet the type of easing related to the selected animation style.
Direction (as available)Set the direction of the media as it enters and leaves the canvas.
Availability of this property depends on the selected style.
Speed/Tension (as available)Set the pace of movement for the selected style.
Availability of this property depends on the selected style.

During Subtab

StyleSet the type of animation while the media is visible on the canvas.
Movement Set the type of easing related to the selected animation style.
Opacity/Jump/Rotation/Scale/Shift (as available)Set the intensity of the related behavior.
Availability of this property depends on the selected style.
Loop TimeSet the number of seconds for the behavior to finish a loop.
DelaySet the number of seconds between each behavior loop.
LoopsSet the number of times the behavior loops.

Select Loop Forever to continually repeat the behavior while the media is visible on the canvas.
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