Record a Picture-in-Picture Video

Record your screen and webcam at the same time with Snagit's Picture-in-Picture feature.

3d Snagit icon

Add a Picture-in-Picture (webcam) video to connect with your viewers. Snagit’s Picture-in-Picture allows you to:

  • Display screen and webcam simultaneously in your video.
  • Control the size and placement of the webcam video.
  • Turn the camera off and on during recording as needed, or quickly swap between picture-in-picture and fullscreen webcam.

Picture-in-picture example

Note: For more information on all video recording options, including capture settings and recording dimensions, see Record a Video with Snagit.

  1. In the Capture window, select the Video tab.
    Video tab in the Capture Window
  2. Click the Capture button or press Print Screen (Windows) or Control+Shift+C (Mac).
    Capture button
  3. The orange crosshairs appear. Click and drag to select the area to record on the screen or click the Fullscreen button to select the entire screen. For more information about selecting the recording area, see Record a Video with Snagit.
    Selection crosshairs and Fullscreen button
  4. A preview of your recording area and webcam appears.
    Preview with Ready to Record window and video recording toolbar
  5. Check your settings in the Ready to Record window, and make any changes in the Video Recording toolbar:
    • Cursor Capture: Record your cursor while screen recording. Click the button to turn the option on or off before or during recording.
      Capture Cursor button
    • Cursor Effects: Click the dropdown to turn cursor highlighting and click animations on and off.
      Cursor effects options
    • System Audio: Record the sound from your computer such as application alerts or the audio playing from your computer speakers.
      System audio button
    • Webcam: Record from a built-in or connected webcam. Click the button to turn the option on or off before or during recording.
      Record Webcam button
    • Webcam options: Click the dropdown to select webcam options:
      Webcam options
      • Device: Select your computer’s built-in or connected webcam.
      • Picture-in-Picture: Select the webcam video position in your final video.
      • Fullscreen (Windows) or Fullscreen Webcam (Mac): Fill the selected recording area with webcam video.
      • Shape: Select Circle, Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Square, or Rounded Square shape for your webcam recording.

        Note: In some cases, such as Citrix environments, only Rectangle and Square shapes are available.

      • Mirror Webcam (Mac only): Flip the webcam video horizontally.
      • Blur Background (Mac only): Automatically blur the background of webcam video.
    • Microphone audio: Record the audio from your computer’s built-in microphone or from a connected USB microphone.
      Record Microphone button
    • Microphone Options: Click the dropdown to select a device or other options (Mac only).
      Microphone options on Windows and Mac
  6. Complete any of the following to change the size and position of the webcam video:
    • To change the size of the Picture-in-Picture, drag a corner of the webcam preview in or out.
      Drag webcam preview corner to resize
    • To change the placement of the Picture-in-Picture, click and drag the webcam preview.
      Drag webcam preview to reposition
    • To swap between Picture-in-Picture and fullscreen webcam, click the Fullscreen Webcam Fullscreen webcam button or Picture-in-Picture Picture-in-picture button button, or press Control+Shift+F.
      Example swapping between picture-in-picture and fullscreen webcam
  7. To begin recording, click the Record button or press Shift+F9 (Windows) or Control+Shift+Space (Mac).
    Video record button
  8. To pause recording, click the Pause button or press Shift+F9 (Windows) or Control+Shift+Space (Mac).
    Video pause button
  9. To stop the recording, click the Stop button or press Shift+F10 (Windows) or Control+Shift+V (Mac).
    Video stop button

The capture opens in Snagit Editor where you can:

Tip: Pause recording to change video settings.

For a polished video, pause the recording before changing video settings, such as changing the Picture-in-Picture placement.

Note: This tutorial is for Snagit version 2024. Previous versions may look or function differently.

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